Sunday, 13 April 2014

Week 11

Wow! What a busy week! We have been learning how to estimate and measure length, we had a special Duffy assembly and got our Duffy books to take home, we learnt some dance moves from the Royal Family and went with the Junior Syncicate to Te Whare-rei-rei-o-Tama-nui-kite-Ra for a treasure hunt. Here are some photos of our big walk:

We walked all the way up the hill.
And had some nice cold milk when we got there.

Followed by a juicy pear.
Room 1 with the monument.

It was nice and cool in the shade.

Racing to find some treasure!
We all want to know - what is in the time capsule?

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Week 10 Unicycles!

We had one of the best days at school ever today. Imagine being taught to ride a unicycle by the WORLD CHAMPION! Thank you Christian, you are awesome.

We learned a lot about teamwork.     
Tamati is our expert and he had time to learn some tricks.

Week 9

All of the junior school went to a fabulous (and funny) music show called Music Works with Bob Bickerton. He showed us lots of different instruments and then we listened to some music and pretended to play the instruments we could hear. We think we did a pretty good job! Here are some photos of Bob playing a selection of instruments: