Friday, 24 April 2015

Term 2 Week 1

We are all excited to be back at school for Term 2. Azalea had her birthday on Tuesday and shared a cake with us.

The cake was delicious.
Happy Birthday Azalea!
For maths this week we have been learning about measurement. 

We had a competition to see whose line was closest to one metre.
How long is one metre?
Fred and RJ 

On Thursday we headed down to Tawaraunui where Tanya Blatt entertained us with some amazing storytelling.

Catch a Story with Tanya Blatt
Monkey (Moko) getting told off by King Abassi
for dropping his banana on elelphant.

On Friday we walked down to the Memorial Hall.

Troy and Moko checking the names.
Harmony and Charlie-Gurl.

When we got back to school we made some delicious Anzac biscuits.

Measuring the flour into the bowl.

Enjoying our freshly baked biscuits in the sunshine.

Thursday, 2 April 2015

Week 9

We had a very active day on Monday. First we had Project Energise with Whaea Gina, then we had our last swimming lesson for the term - no more swimming until Term 4. In the afternoon we walked over to Kaikohe Intermediate to watch the rugby game. Kaikohe West won by 3 tries. Do you think our chant "Go West, Go West" helped them? We do!
On Wednesday we went over to Room 15 and made a korowai for Mrs Bingham:

Some of Mrs Bingham's favourite things: smiley faces, Dr Seuss books, stars and love hearts.
On Thursday the Easter Bunny hid some eggs in our classroom. We were really good at finding them, then we estimated how many there were. Charlie-Gurl came up with a good strategy so we made groups of 10 and it was easy to see there were 90 eggs. We divided them into our Easter baskets so it was fair and took them home to share with our whanau.