Sunday, 29 June 2014

Term 2 Week 8

We had lots of fun with our grandparents and other whanau who came to join us for Kaumatua Kuia Day. They helped us draw stars to illustrate our poem "Kapokapo whetū iti" and we showed them our string games and our favourite iPad apps. Quayshana took a selfie with her Poppa:

We shared our milk and bananas at brain break, then took our manuhiri to visit our buddy class, Room 4 where they got a chance to check out our blog.
After lunch Honey used our junior scrabble game to practise some spelling. 


  1. Oh Room 1! I love your blog. Quayshana, I bet you had a lovely time with your poppa. You were all really nice to share your milk and fruit with your manuhiri. Honey you are so clever spelling all those words with scrabble! You look like you are doing great work Room 1!

  2. Naomi Morgan-French4 July 2014 at 21:19

    Kia ora Room 1. It looks like your class has done a lot of learning this term and had a lot of fun. I like the photo of all of you with your string 'cats eyes'. Thank-you for teaching me how to do the double parachute when I visited for the Kuia/Kaumatua day. I hope everyone has a great holiday.
