Friday, 29 August 2014

Term 3 Week 6

We had another busy week. Our 4 medal winners headed off to Ohaeawai School on Wednesday to compete in the inter-school competition. They all did a fantastic job representing our school. Well done to Te Kawana who came third in the 6 year old boys. 

Davalamayne, Te Kawana, Trinity and Jazmine.

Te Kawana in his Kaikohe West uniform.

Our school focus for the week was teamwork. Ana and Trinity built this amazing structure together from the foam shapes in our maths centre:

Room 4 (our buddy class) designed, planned and made costumes for us to wear on Daffodil Day. On Thursday Room 4 was a hive of activity as we all worked together on our fabulous creations.

Jesse and Jaya checking out  some ideas on the Chrome book.

Bentley and her buddy planning the costume.
Making sure Charlie-Gurl's headband will fit.

Some great teamwork with our tuakana.

We all did our share of the work.
We enjoy working together!

We all went up on stage to show everybody our Daffodil Day costumes.

1 comment:

  1. I like the daffodils you made they are amazing. We coloured in daffodils and did a word-find .How did you make your masks?
