Friday, 14 August 2015

Term 3 Week 4

We learnt some T-Ball skills at the Bay of Islands Softball Junior League Roadshow. We teamed up with Room 7 on a Junior School rotation where we participated in batting drills, throwing drills  and base running.




Sunday, 9 August 2015

Term 3 Week 3

We have been learning how to 'hook' our reader by using sound or dialogue to start our writing. On Thursday we wrote the first sound we heard when we woke up in the morning. 

Here are some examples (with the author's name in brackets).
Brmmm, brmmm.  (Che)
"Wake up", said Mum.  (Troy)
Silence.  (Davalamayne)
Mmmmmm.  (Jas)
"Waah. Nana, I want you!"  (Sky)
Chrchrchrchr.  (Chryzler)
"Woof. Woof."  (Catherine)

Hopefully these intriguing story openers have made you want to read more of our stories. 

Friday, 31 July 2015

Term 3 Week 2

In case you didn't see a copy of our Room newsletter for this term, here is a link:

Term 3 newsletter

This week for our music inquiry we investigated ways to make sound. Some ideas were very innovative and we made lots of noise with our new class band!

On Friday Honey and Catherine created this monument using milk bottle lids:

Friday, 24 July 2015

Term 3 Week 1

It is great to be back at school. Room 1 had three days of fabulous learning with Mrs Morgan-French while Mrs Bingham was away. We have been practising our pirate song "Avast! Ahoy!" with Room 13 for our school production. We will be the scariest pirates that you've ever seen - some of the boys are showing their scary pirate faces in this photo:

Sunday, 5 July 2015

Term 2 Week 11

The last week of term went quickly. We have started practising for the school production next term "Pirates vs mermaids". Room 1 and Room 13 will be singing a song together. To get into pirate mode Che and Te Kawana made a Friendstrip called "Bad to the Bone".

Sunday, 28 June 2015

Term 2 Week 10

We have some new board games in our classroom. Hibiscus, Veishali, Jas and Sky enjoyed playing Snakes and Ladders.

For art we created some new self-portraits for our classroom wall. They are 'falling back in space' self-portraits as part of our Matariki inquiry topic. First we traced around our hands and feet with pencil  - we made our pencils 'whisper' so it was easy to rub out if we made a mistake.
We helped each other with the tracing.
 Then we drew in our bodies.

After that we copied over the pencil lines with vivid.

Finally, we coloured them in using dye.


     They look                   fantastic!

Saturday, 20 June 2015

Term 2 Week 9

We had a busy week celebrating Matariki. 

On Thursday we had a hakari but we were so busy eating that we don't have any photos of our delicious kai! We had heaps of food including fry bread, cupcakes, sausage rolls, chocolate biscuits and hot chocolate. 

We learnt the matariki macarena and made some string figures. It was tricky at first but we kept trying until we got the hang of it. Here is a video we made in class (our first attempt at green screening).

Saturday, 13 June 2015

Term 2 Week 8

On Monday Whaea Gina came to show us some rugby ball handling skills.

We wrote some acrostic poems about winter. Here are the poems Che and Sky wrote:

Winter cold                                        Winter is cold
Icy grass                                            I can't wait until winter is over
Not warm                                           No swimming in winter
Terrible wind                                      Too cold
Extremely freezing                             Everything is wet
Rain, rain go away!                            Really cold.

We have parent teacher interviews on Tuesday 16th June from 2-7pm. See you there whanau!

Saturday, 6 June 2015

Term 2 Week 7

There was no blog post last week because we had Passion Week at school so Room 1 were spread out around the school doing the thing they were most interested for the whole week! Some of the things we chose included health and fitness, costume making  (for our school production next term), movie making, scrapbooking, technology and arts and crafts. It was a busy week. This week we shared what we did and wrote a recount. Here are a couple of examples:

Last week at school I made a costume in Room 15 because it was Passion Week. Passion Week is when we split up into different classes to do different things.
In Room 15 I had to make 50 scales. On Monday we had to make one scale then we had to help everybody else do one. On Tuesday we had to make the rest of the scales for my mermaid costume. On Wednesday I sewed my costume together. On Thursday we watched Peter Pan after morning tea. On Friday we finished my costume. I had fun.
by Charlie-Gurl

Last week at school we had Passion Week. I was in the wheels crew. The wheels crew was in Room 6. We learnt about wheels. We made some cars with circle wheels. Then we made some nachos. Then we went to the skate park. Then we made a ramp and then we went back to the skate park. It was cool.
by Honey

Friday, 22 May 2015

Term 2 Week 5

Here is a video we made last week when we spent the day with Miss Nicola in Room 15 (click on the caption for the link).
 A volcano erupts
A volcano erupts

Friday, 15 May 2015

Term 2 Week 4

Christian, the street unicycling world champion, taught us how to ride unicycles this week. We showed lots of perseverance and great teamwork.

Jas and Catherine having a go. Ka pai.
Honey - no hands!

Friday was our Health Expo. We split into whanau groups and visited different activities to learn how to stay safe and healthy. Our favourites were bike safety, smoothie making, tasty marmite and lettuce sandwiches and Jump Jam.

Veishali and Charlie-Gurl enjoyed the sandwiches.

Alfonze coloured in his picture
 from the dog safety show.

Friday, 8 May 2015

Term 2 Week 3

We wrote some cinquaine poems this week. They are five lines long. The poems make a diamond pattern - 2 syllables on the first and last line, 4 syllables on the second line, 6 syllables on the third line and 8 syllables on the fourth line. We all tried to use precise adjectives and verbs. Here are some of the poems we wrote:
Amazing, safe,
Helping, Swimming, Playing,
My Uncle Jais loves the X box.
by Charlie-gurl.
1985 McLaren MP4/2B-6 TAG

Bell Pepper, Chef, Cooking,
My Nan
Lovely, awesome
Fishing, cooking, helping
Going shopping with my nan: cool.
my nan.
Te kawana

Nan Tucker McEvoy

Friday, 1 May 2015

Term 2 Week 2

We wrote some powerful war poems this week. If you are at school check them out - they are in our publishing window. Che wrote his thoughts on a mini whiteboard during free choice:
I hate war. I wish it will go away. Guns sound like "boom, crash". Smoke drifts in the sky.
 The Duffy Theatre came to school on Wednesday and performed "Duffy and the Library Adventure" for us. 
Sienna learns that the library is free to join and full of amazing books.
Last week Jacob's mum asked us who's the tallest person in our class. We stood in a line from tallest to shortest to check and found out the tallest person is Troy.

Troy was the tallest,
The rest of the class!

Friday, 24 April 2015

Term 2 Week 1

We are all excited to be back at school for Term 2. Azalea had her birthday on Tuesday and shared a cake with us.

The cake was delicious.
Happy Birthday Azalea!
For maths this week we have been learning about measurement. 

We had a competition to see whose line was closest to one metre.
How long is one metre?
Fred and RJ 

On Thursday we headed down to Tawaraunui where Tanya Blatt entertained us with some amazing storytelling.

Catch a Story with Tanya Blatt
Monkey (Moko) getting told off by King Abassi
for dropping his banana on elelphant.

On Friday we walked down to the Memorial Hall.

Troy and Moko checking the names.
Harmony and Charlie-Gurl.

When we got back to school we made some delicious Anzac biscuits.

Measuring the flour into the bowl.

Enjoying our freshly baked biscuits in the sunshine.

Thursday, 2 April 2015

Week 9

We had a very active day on Monday. First we had Project Energise with Whaea Gina, then we had our last swimming lesson for the term - no more swimming until Term 4. In the afternoon we walked over to Kaikohe Intermediate to watch the rugby game. Kaikohe West won by 3 tries. Do you think our chant "Go West, Go West" helped them? We do!
On Wednesday we went over to Room 15 and made a korowai for Mrs Bingham:

Some of Mrs Bingham's favourite things: smiley faces, Dr Seuss books, stars and love hearts.
On Thursday the Easter Bunny hid some eggs in our classroom. We were really good at finding them, then we estimated how many there were. Charlie-Gurl came up with a good strategy so we made groups of 10 and it was easy to see there were 90 eggs. We divided them into our Easter baskets so it was fair and took them home to share with our whanau.

Friday, 27 March 2015

Term 1 Week 8

We have been thinking about how we learn: who helps us, what do we use and where do we learn? We drew Learning Maps:

Next term we are hoping to make some videos to share our learning goals with you.

Saturday, 21 March 2015

Term 1 Week 7

We had 100% attendance on Wednesday so we took a new class photo - our new header photo!
Here is a silly photo we took at the same time:

We also had a Duffy Assembly and Harmony went up on stage to represent our class. We couldn't wait to start reading as soon as we got back to the classroom.

Azalea and Charlie-Gurl


Oliver and Zeke
Dziah,Troy and Te Kawana

Sky with her new Clifford book
Quite a few Room 1 students have been attending Drama Club at lunchtimes with Miss Nicola. They learnt how to make a video book using Book Creator on the iPads. Back in class, they made a Mr Men book to show the class. We are hoping they will teach us all how to make our own books. Check out their book here: