Saturday, 13 June 2015

Term 2 Week 8

On Monday Whaea Gina came to show us some rugby ball handling skills.

We wrote some acrostic poems about winter. Here are the poems Che and Sky wrote:

Winter cold                                        Winter is cold
Icy grass                                            I can't wait until winter is over
Not warm                                           No swimming in winter
Terrible wind                                      Too cold
Extremely freezing                             Everything is wet
Rain, rain go away!                            Really cold.

We have parent teacher interviews on Tuesday 16th June from 2-7pm. See you there whanau!


  1. Love the poems, would like my class to write an acrostic poem. The last one we did was with the word PINEAPPLE. Now that is a long word and it was all about yummy pineapple lumps, but winter is a good topic to write a poem about. Will share with my class. Tino pai nga tamariki ma.

  2. Kia ora Room 1,
    Mrs Smith and I enjoyed reading your class blog posts, especially todays poems.
    Well done!

  3. Kia ora Room 1,
    Mrs Smith and I enjoyed reading your class blog posts, especially todays poems.
    Well done!

  4. Kia ora Room 1
    I liked the video. I also liked the part when you threw the ball in the air, then clapped before catching it again. Nice work!
