Saturday, 21 February 2015

Term 1 Week 3

We are heading down to Whangarei next week to visit the Kiwi House. This week we worked in groups to create KWL charts showing what we Know and what we Want to know about kiwi birds. Here is Maia and Azalea's video filmed by Sky:

Here are some of the things Room 1 wanted to know:
  • Why don't kiwi fly?
  • Why do kiwi go to sleep in the day and wake up at night?
  • Why are kiwi fat?
Before we go to the Kiwi House we will be writing information reports and answering some of these questions.

On Friday Room 9 came to visit us and read their readers to us. Then we read them our library books. We are showing whanaungatanga by being awesome tuakana.

Jacob and Moko working listening to their buddy reading.

Aarav and Che helping their buddy.


  1. WOW!!! What a fantastic gob Jacob,Moko,Aarav and Che.Helping your buddy read you relly out did me! Maia Room 1

  2. What a great reading buddy system you have. Che is very much looking forward to the school trip to the kiwi house in Whangarei. He has been sharing with us what he has learnt so far about kiwi's in class.

    Awhina (Che's Mum)
